At the last monthly meetup, Goldfire Studios took time to share some tips for building a better Kickstarter. These are lessons they often learned the hard way and wanted share with others to save them the headaches. They have posted not only the video that was live streamed but also the slide show they used in the presentation. You can view both at their site, and we have embedded the
video audio here.
Among the tips, there are sections on building a press relationship before starting your Kickstarter. This means seeking out not just games sites, but specific journalists who might be more inclined to report on your game’s Kickstarter. Additionally, social media is a powerful tool to helping build awareness and support. If you are not using Facebook and Twitter currently, you need to start now and build up a presence. There is plenty more in the video and the slide show so check them out.
With the increasing number of Oklahoma based Kickstarters popping up, I think it is important for all of us to learn from each other. Not just learning from the successes, but learning from the failures. So if you have tried to crowdfund your game but fell short, we would like to hear from you. You can post directly to our forums or you can contact us and we can chat.