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Monday Morning Crowdfunding Report: January 13, 2014

crowdfunding Indiegogo Kickstarter

Every Monday, We link to the crowdfunding pages of games from Oklahoma developers and other interesting crowdfunding projects from Oklahomans. Music, comics, table-top games and more. If it might be of interest to gamers and game developers we will show them off.

Here is the primary list of crowdfunding campaigns:

Currently Funding:

Kingdoms of Erden by Timothy Olinger. A collectible card game with a fantasy theme. The original campaign ended and Timothy has restarted on a new revamped campaign. Timothy is looking to raise $1,000 to raise the money needed to develop the art and publish the game. This project has raised $8 with 50 days to go.

God’s Land by Josh Collins of Cyanide Studios is a god game that let’s you build up a world and watch it evolve and assist in its destruction. The campaign is looking for funds to help pay for art assets. Josh is looking to raise $1,500 and has raised $0 with less than a day left. We are writing this one off completely.

Rivals Steampunk Designer Toys – Set II by Chase Layman. This campaign follows Layman’s earlier successful Rivals campaign. He is adding two new characters to the earlier set. It is already off to a strong start too. He is asking for $20,000 and has raised $14,650 with 19 days left.

Tulsa Renaissance: We Rise Together Documentary by Anthony Gaba-DeLaCroix. Anthony is putting together a documentary on Tulsa’s music scene. It looks like it could be very nice. He is seeking $6,000 and has raised $970 with 19 days to go.

Syd by Multiverse Games is a time and inter-dimensional traveling game following the story of Syd as he spends multiple lifetimes trying to become immortal. This ambitious project is looking to raise $900,000 to fund the development. They have raise $2 with 22 days to go.

AngelBlocks: Lifestyle Automation for Everyone by Steve Montgomery. This technology allows you to wirelessly and remotely control nearly any electrical and electronic device in your home. Steve is seeking $50,000 to fund the production of the blocks. He has raised $9,774 with 36 days to go.

That’s it for this week. We seem to be hitting another lull in campaigns. Hopefully more will pop up over the next couple of weeks. I will be sure to keep you posted on the progress of these and any new ones that pop up.

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